4-hole punched to fit to lever arch files |
54 feint lines |
60 sheets of 70gsm white bond, ruled in grey |
60 sheets per pad |
8 cash columns and summary |
8 summary columns |
A4 size punched 4 holes |
Account Pad contains 60 sheets of 70gsm whire bond, ruled grey paper |
Cash Columns with date and narrative |
Designed to record account information quickly and easily |
Each sheet is printed with line and column |
Good quality 70gsm white paper |
Headbound pad |
Includes a reference box at the head of the page |
Individually swinkwrapped |
Leaf size 298x210mm |
Leaf size: 298 x 210mm |
Number of sheets: 60 |
Pre-printed pages for all relevant information |
Printed lines and 8 columns with header box |
Punched 4 holes |
Punched with 4 holes |
Size: A4 |
Use to keep records and accounts in order |