20 entries per page |
2000 entries per page |
3 ring binder mechanism |
50 sheets |
Collect visitor details, company names car registrations and times of visits |
Cover colour black |
Each page is printed with line and column |
Ideal for use in reception |
Loose leafed |
Number of rings 3 |
Padded binder |
Pages 100 |
Premium padded binder with 3-ring mechanism |
Pre-punched with 3 holes with clear mylar ensure each sheet is extra secure |
Quality padded binder |
Record useful information such as; date, name, company, car registration, badge number, time in/out and signature |
Records date, visitor name, company, car registration, badge number and time in and out |
Ring Binder mechanism allows pages to lay flat |
Size A4 Landscape |
Size: 230x340mm |