24 parentheses level |
47 scientific constants |
552 functions |
Allows the user to perform basic spreadsheet calculations on a scientific calculator for the first time |
Binomial and Normal probability distributions |
Calculation results can be viewed on a smartphone or tablet |
Comes with new slide-on hardcase |
Energy supply via solar cell and battery |
Exponential calculations |
High resolution LC display with 192 x 63 pixels |
High-resolution LC display with 192x63 pixels |
Logarithmic calculations |
Natural-V.P.A.M textbook display |
Numeric differentiation, integration and equation solving |
Permitted in UK school examinations |
Power / power root calculations |
Solar and x1 LR44 battery powered (supplied) |
Solar and x1 LR54 battery powered (supplied) |
UK exam compliant |